Weapon and Safety Guidelines

This information packet should be considered in addition to the rules presented on page 31 of the Dystopia Rising Evolved rulebook. You can download a free copy of the Dystopia Rising Evolved rulebook  here:


The number one priority at any time during an event is safety. Regardless of the manufacturer of the weapon or phys rep it MUST be checked by a Dystopia Rising Georgia Safety Guide. The most dangerous activity during a Dystopia Rising event is engaging in mock combat using approved weapons. Because of this it is every participant's responsibility to ensure that all weapons and other Physical Representations(Phys Reps) are safe and to remove any that become unsafe during the course of an event. Even if a weapon has a safety tag you should do a quick check before using it in combat and after combat has ended.

Please note that all Phys Reps should be planned with safety in mind.  Hard or pointed contact surfaces, hooks, strings and loops that could catch on clothing or appendages, as well as hard surfaces that could cause harm if landed on will cause safety hazards.  Glass is not allowed.

Self Performed Weapon Safety Check 

No weapon without an approved local tag is allowed to be used at an event. Once a weapon prop is approved at your attending game, it will have a safety tag placed on it. 

Here are some simple tests you can do on your own until we physically have the weapon in hand: 

● A weapon is more likely to pass if it has at least ⅝” of foam on all striking edges and 1 inch of foam on the tip and pommel. If you are able to feel the core by lightly pressing on any striking edge, then it will likely fail. 

● Use the weapon to strike yourself on your leg to test how it feels to be hit by the weapon. If you can feel the strike 20 - 30 seconds afterwards then this weapon may be too hard to be used.

Onsite Safety Checks and Weapon Tagging
All weapons, Shields, Firearms, Armor and other Phys Rep must come to the Public Works/Post Office before going into play. The weapon, shields, etc should be checked for safety and the item card that accompanies the Phys Rep must be presented. Once the Phys Rep is confirmed for safety and card legitimacy, a paper/fabric wrist band is attached. It can be attached anywhere on the Phys Rep, so long as it does not interfere with use or holding. If an item is upgraded or the tag falls off or if a different card is being used for a previously tagged Phys Rep, it must be brought to public works/post to have a new tag put on.

DR: GA specific Color/pattern coding is as follows:

  • Green: Basic level / Starter

  • Yellow: Proficient level

  • Red: Master level

  • Black: non striking or shooting Phys Rep

  • Pink: Game owned weapons, borrowed from Ops

Written on tag, in spaces provided: ; player number (to confirm ownership); Guide number and initials (to confirm passed safety check)


  • Brawling weapons should follow the same safety guidelines of Melee Weapons below:

  • Brawling weapons may be between 12 and 21 inches long.

Throwing Weapons

  • Thrown weapons should be made of foam and have no core. 

  • Thrown weapons should be a minimum of 5 inches and no larger than 13 inches. 

  • Javelins should be no longer than 40 inches in length.

Melee Weapons

Screenshot 2021-10-17 152234.jpg
  • Weapons should be primarily made of foam.

  • Cores may be only made of fiberglass, PVC, kitespar, and carbon fiber.

  • Wooden, bamboo, metal, or any other cores are prohibited.

  • There should be a minimum of 5/8 inch of foam between the striking edge and the core.

  • A minimum of 1 inch should be from the tip of a weapon to the core.

  • Longer weapons should not significantly bend or flex when swung.

  • 'Flail' type weapons are not allowed.
    The foam of a weapon is recommended to be no denser than 4# (the density of a grey fatigue mat), and should compress with simple hand strength.

  • Small melee weapons must be between 12 and 30 inches long.

  • Standard melee weapons must be between 20 and 45 inches long.

  • Two-Handed melee weapons must be between 30 and 80 inches long.


All Foam Blasters must comply with Network wide study as well as the following chapter specific guidelines.

  • Cosmetic alterations are allowed and encouraged.

  • Firearms may only fire a single shot per pull of the trigger.

  • Paint jobs should be genre appropriate and the last half-inch of the functioning barrel should be bright orange, as per 15 U.S. Code § 5001 (b)(1)

  • Firearms may only shoot foam darts or foam balls. 

  • Foam darts and foam balls may not be modified in any fashion, and must be clearly labelled with your player number. Only the same kind of foam projectiles used during the safety test may be used during the course of the event.

  • Do not aim at eyes or face with a foam blaster or packets. Use of eyewear recommended for players and people within range. Do not modify darts.

  • No foam blaster with a chronograph test fps of over 120 ft is allowed at Dystopia Rising Georgia.

  • Repeated complaints about unsafe use of foam blasters will result in the privilege to use them revoked.  Players get weapons tagged as non striking or shooting Phys Rep and fire with packets for ranged combat.


Armor must be designed to not only be safe to run in, but also designed so that if your armor or clothes is struck with a contact safe weapon the weapon will not be damaged. Metal spikes, sharp corners, and pointed edges need to be avoided when making armor or costume to ensure your safety and the safety of others. Clothing and armor should not only be appropriate for the strain you are portraying, but also safe for you to wear for a weekend event.


  • Edges and faces of shields should be padded by a minimum of 5/8“ of contact safe material such as 4# foam.

  • Shield cores can be foam, plastic or light weight wood.

  • Shields should not be designed in a fashion to give them sharp edges or corners. 

  • Painting and decorating shields to be genre appropriate is encouraged.