Click the most appropriate of the header links below to submit a Plot Action Request.
Requests must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance of an event to be considered for that event.
Only one plot request submission per player per event will be run, in order to maintain schedule and plot requests of others.
Requests will be run on a best-efforts basis pending event theming and scheduling considerations.
If you would like to have your request be related to an ongoing plot line please let us know.
Professional Focus Achievements (aka PFAs) are just what they sound like. Characters may choose to focus on an aspect of their personal profession and skill set, and as a result reach a rank of achievement and title that others do not possess. PFA mods will typically be small engagements that focus on the character & their skills.
Some characters have Mastered the Skills that open some special opportunity for adventure and reward for the asking. Master skill requests will typically include multiple characters and will loop into the overall story of the event. If you have a master skill and you want to use it to interact with the local plot, requesting a master skill mod is a great way to do that!
You can spend 200 CAPS to submit a personal plot request. These are modules that come from your back stories, touch on plot lines that you felt trailed off without enough conclusion, or allow you to express your creative flavor. Have a particular group you want to drive story with, have a part of your back story you want to bring up, want to have certain sorts of interactions with you and your friends? This is how.
Certain procedures (such as those related to the Pallor Mortis Blueprint) require providing advance notice to plot teams. You do not have to spend CAPs for these requests since they are the result of using an in-play procedure.
You can use this form to let us know if your Accensorite character is going to be ascending & what effects you intend for their ascent to have so that we can work it into the plot of the weekend as applicable, or if you have a Remnant mutation you want to get approved. Please note that if you want a mod specifically related to your character’s ascent, you must submit a personal plot request and spend 200 CAPs rather than submitting through this form.