Read This First

A group of post-apocalyptic survivors. Actual gameplay imagery.

First off: What is Dystopia Rising?

Dystopia Rising is a post-apocalyptic LARP. It’s hundreds of years after the fall of mankind, and the living dead—known in the wastes as zed—have ravaged the once thriving civilization. The infection that created them resides in nearly all things—including humanity’s descendants, the strains.

Diesel Jocks roam the wastes in jerry rigged monstrosities; Lascarians emerge when the sunlight fades, dragging unwitting stragglers down below to be eaten. Saltwise live on the coast and in the oceans, deeply involved in smuggling illicit goods across the wastes. The many different strains have found their own ways to survive in the wasteland, fighting for the right to stay alive. After all, in the wastes, there’s never enough to go around.

As a player in Dystopia Rising, you will take on the role of one of these strains—one of the descendants of humanity. You’ll create a character of your own design. You’ll pick your own strain, and come up with a backstory befitting a survivor in the wastes. Then, from Friday night until Sunday morning, you will get to embody that character, fighting to survive in what’s left after the fall of humanity.

What is Dystopia Rising Georgia?

When you play at Dystopia Rising Georgia, you’ll visit Georgiabama, the post-fall name for the area of Georgia and some surrounding land. Georgiabama is an area where the Beat is woven into the culture, and worshippers follow the Kings and Queens of old. Cash, Dylan, Franklin; the list goes on.

Beneath the music of the area, sweet smiles and southern hospitality aren’t always what they seem. Rovers will offer you the shirt off their back—for a price. The citizens of Little Vegasia will quickly offer you a loan, but woe to those who don’t pay their debts. Meanwhile, the Lascarians of Gold Line will offer you weapons and armor to protect yourself, but refuse their offers and they’ll happily arm your enemies. After all, money is money, and bloodshed is good for business.

When you reach the event, you’ll probably hear names like 40 Watt, Junction, The Springs and perhaps others. These are the places within Georgiabama where the events take place. Think of them like towns or cities within Georgiabama, the larger area.

Alright, How Do I Start?

The first thing you’ll want to do is create a character. To see what strains you can pick and find skills you’ll want to learn, you’ll want to take a look at the rulebook. Don’t worry about reading the whole thing in one go—just focus on finding a strain that speaks to you, and fits in with the kind of experiences you want to have.

Next up, I highly recommend joining our Discord. There, you can talk to members of the community, get help figuring out your character concept, make ties before the game and a whole lot of other stuff. We love meeting new people, so even if you’re on the fence about going, you’re more than welcome to join.

If you’re not the social type, don’t worry—joining the Discord is just a recommendation, not a requirement.

Dystopia Rising Georgia Discord

Once you’ve got your character all figured out, hop on over to Character Submission. Filling out that form will send an email to our friendly logistics people, who will reach out to you to get you all set up for your first game.

Character Submission

Feel free to check out the other pages in the Start Here area for more info.

See you in the wastes!