Local Rulings

Armor Coverage Requirements

Let’s be honest, Georgia is hot. It is humid, and is frequently both at the same time. In light of player comfort and safety, we are making the following change to armor coverage requirements while attending Dystopia Rising Georgia events.

Armor Coverage is based on 2.5% required for each point of armor. For example, a 20 armor value armor would only require 50% coverage. It is still important that the armor actually looks like armor (although could easily use paint to make plastic sheeting look like rusted metal, for example).

At the end of the day, please dress for safety in the heat (wicking and breathable fabrics are your friend), and as long as an attempt is made to look armored if you are sporting some of that extra protection, you will be fine.

Remember, this ruling only applies to Dystopia Rising: Georgia. If attending other chapters, make sure to check their coverage requirements. Layers and modular armor are your friend!

SUMMER ARMOR - In some cases this is just not enough to counter the summer heat - at these events it may be announced that Wristband Armor is in effect. A wrist band obtained from Post represents armor Phys Rep. You must show your armor card to post and carry it along with wearing the wristband at all times you are “wearing” armor in game.