Mechanics and Guidelines

FAQ’s, Tips, and Clarifications(WIP)

The Dystopia Rising Evolved book and blueprints are the mechanics of this game. You as players make the stories between characters that breathe life into it through Roleplay and the stories you create through your characters. Ok, we as a production team throw some plot and threats at you too. These are the things that make this a fun and simple concept of play.
But there are always questions and space to explain things, especially if we, as a local branch can clarify or change something to make play more enjoyable for our players. It may not be the most beautiful of web pages, but we hope that it is useful. A list of clarifications, local flavors, cheat sheets and other things that we find to help our players new play Dystopia Rising Georgia.


FAQs living page of odd yet important Frequently Asked Questions an their answers.

Community Action Points - Local additions above and beyond the Network

What is CvC (Character vs Character)? Local Write Up, Quick Reference

Do I need a Guide? (Guide for CvC and Theft chart)

How do I obtain materials? (Gathering Skill Cheat Sheet)

All about Fractures

Getting Ready for Game - Tips, Tricks and Timeline.

How is LIT going to be used going forward?