Local Rulings

Plot and Prints from Other Chapters

Plot and Prints from other events - Feel free to role play, talk about and discuss them with other characters- spread that good story, but unless listed in the DRGA List of Ingredients those mechanics of factions, diseases, blueprints or research etc from other event/branch plots are local to those branches’. For the clarity, purity and overall enjoyment of local games they do not work at DRGA events at this time. Diseases don’t advance, spread, heal or cure, Factions with mechanics don’t have mechanics, crafted items or procedures from prints originating from other events/branches cannot be carded, used or reproduced.

Here is our reasoning:

Local prints and plot mechanics are only available at the originating branch. The information is not available or distributed in the Network print drive that all branches access and is used to assure that the most up to date prints and information is available for all players equally.

We are not able to reference for training or rules call purposes for mechanics, items made or procedures run from foreign local prints/plots, The risk that our guides would not be able to make accurate calls or that other players would not be in the know is high.

We are not able to issue copies of prints should a player make an in-game print.

Local prints, plots and mechanics are obtainable at the originating branch and catered to that branch's flavor and plots, one of the things that makes traveling and experiencing other branches unique.