Mechanics and Guidelines

Supply Bags and You

Supply Bag Intent

The Supply Bag is an out of character requirement for your in character item management. It is a central location to store scrap, herb, and other raw resources or items for which you do not have a Physical Representation (aka Phys Rep).

  • What follows is a local summary of the Supply Bag rules as presented in the core rulebook, drawn from page numbers 28, 29, 107, 112, 118, 156, 163, 174.

Basic Supply Bag Rules

Can only have one Supply Bag on you at a time

Cannot disguise your Supply Bag on your person. 

Must be clearly labeled as Supply Bag

If an item you are crafting or have gathered will not be used, have a Supply Bag available so the item can be placed directly in it. Without an appropriate Phys Rep or Supply Bag, you cannot be issued an item card. 

Looting a Supply Bag from a body takes 30 seconds of active roleplay, and would allow you to take the contents of the Suppy Bag in the same way as when Looting a threat. This does not count as Larceny.

Supply Bag Size

Must be big enough to hold the following at the same time:

  • 6 refillable at least 12 ounce plastic bottles.

  • 6 unused at least 10 ml syringes without needles. 

  • Neither must be filled (but can be). 

It does not need to contain all of these at all times, this is just a reference to the minimum size of the Supply Bag itself. 

Supply Bag Location

The Supply Bag cannot be hidden under clothing.

When worn on the character, cannot be kept in any sensitive areas where someone would reasonably feel uncomfortable reaching to place a clothespin (through Larceny skill use). 

Phys Reps and You

Per the core rules, you need a Phys Rep for anything you intend to sell or use. 

DRGA House Rule: you can craft and freely trade items you have crafted by just handing over item cards to those you have crafted them for. It will be up to the user of the item to make sure they have the appropriate Phys Rep at time of the item's use. Without the Phys Rep, the items remain in the Supply Bag and unusable. 

Brews and Injectables need appropriate containers to use them. 

  • DRGA House Rule: You must have a Phys Rep for each type of that particular item you have. So if you have two different kinds of Brews/Injectables, you need a 12 oz bottle Phys Rep for each kind.

  • Each Phys Rep can represent one item cards worth of that particular item (i.e the max number of uses on that card type in total).

  • It is for this reason that it is highly recommended to bring the 6 Brew and 6 Injectable Phys Reps you used to determine the size of the Supply Bag to represent any items you may gain during play.


  • DRGA House Rule: Carrying a small snack is an acceptable way to represent the Phys Rep of consuming a meal and helps keep your out of game energy up. You can either actually consume it, or mime consuming it as you would with a brew. Multiple granola/protein bars is an easy way to represent multiple meal types!

The Phys Reps must be in hand to be used. 

Supply Bags and Skill Use!


  • Supply Bag nor items in it cannot be broken with Break skill (as the bag is an out of character requirement for carrying inactive equipment).


  • People using Disguise are highly encouraged to have a disguise specific Supply Bag (though it still must meet all requirements for a Supply Bag).


  • If a thief sets clothespin on the Supply Bag, the Overseeing Guide can ask for one Random item card from that Supply bag for the thief (unless the Target has something that affects being pickpocketed).

  • Clothespins can be attached to any part of Supply Bag

  • Only Guides can search a Supply Bag when mugging or pickpocketing. 

Closing Notes

As with all local rules calls, make sure you are satisfying the requirements of other chapters you may visit!