Local Mechanics

Zone of Mechanics (ZoM’s) and You!

Zone’s of Mechanics (ZoM’s) are the method through which players can interact with the world of Dystopia Rising Georgia. They allow players to use their skills to acquire information and solve challenges presented to them.

Location of ZoM’s

  • The Experience Design Team may create ZoM’s that only apply to specific mods during the course of a game. These ZoM’s will be made available to players to read by the Field Guide during the course of a mod.

  • ZoM’s may also be present in persistent in-play spaces to be interacted with by players (i.e. The C.O.K.E. Annex).

Reading of ZoM’s (and the danger therein!)

  • While the player is reading the ZoM, the character remains in play (and can be attacked). This is to represent the amount of time it takes for the character to figure out what they need to do to move forward.